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    • 澳门PMP培训班|模拟练习题1

  • 发布时间:2019-08-28 15:58:48  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
  • 编辑导读:思摩特澳门PMP培训班远程在线模拟试题分享

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    1. Caitlin’s project is behind schedule. She is planning to crash the project by allowing overtime to the project team. This approach can bring additional risks to the project. Which of the following is not a valid risk in this scenario: 

    A. The profit margin might decrease. 

    B. Risk of employee attrition might increase. 

    C. Risk of errors and/or rework might increase. 

    D. The project’s acceptance criteria might get updated. 

    1. 凯特琳的项目进度落后了。她赶工项目进度,让项目团队加班。这种方法会给项目带来额外的风险。在这种情况下,以下哪项不是有效的风险:

    A. 利润率可能会下降

    B. 员工流失的风险可能会增加

    C. 错误/返工的风险可能增加

    D. 项目的验收标准可能会得到更新


    2. Sandra is managing a complex ERP design and implementation project. The project team has recently been hired. It is an enterprise-wide project affecting many stakeholders. It is very important for each team member to properly understand and follow the project communication requirements in order to keep the stakeholders engaged and informed. Which of the following tools and techniques can Sandra use to ensure that team members properly understand the project’s communications requirements? 

    A. Ground rules 

    B. Training 

    C. Co-location 

    D. Recognition and rewards 

    2. 桑德拉正在管理一个复杂的ERP设计和实施项目,项目组成员最近已招募。它是一个影响很多相关方企业范围内的项目。对于每个团队成员来说,正确理解和遵循项目的沟通需求是非常重要的,这样才能使相关方保持参与和知情。桑德拉可以使用下列哪些工具和技术来确保团队成员正确理解项目的沟通需求?

    A. 基本规则

    B. 培训

    C. 集中办公

    D. 认可和奖励


    3. You are managing a construction project. Your company does not specialize in construction design so you outsourced the construction design to a third party. You are conducting regular procurement performance reviews and are dissatisfied. You want to carry out a detailed audit of the design supplier’s work processes to determine the root cause. Can you do that? 

    A. Yes, it is a good project management technique advocated by the PMBOK guide. 

    B. Yes, if there is a provision in the contract allowing work process audits 

    C. No, you are only authorized to perform quality audits on the delivered products and not the supplier’s internal work processes. 

    D. No, a detailed procurement audit cannot be performed until you terminate the contract. 

    3. 你在管理一个建设项目,公司不是专门从事建筑设计的,所以将施工设计外包给第三方。你正在进行定期的采购绩效审查,并且对结果不满意。你需要对供应商的工作流程进行详细的审计,以确定根本原因。你能这样做吗?

    A. 可以,这是PMBOK指南所倡导的一项很好的项目管理技术

    B. 可以,如果合同中有条款允许对工作过程审核

    C. 不可以,你只被授权对交付的产品进行质量审核,而不是供应商的内部工作流程

    D. 不可以,除非你终止合同,否则不能执行详细的采购审计




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