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  • 发布时间:2019-09-27 09:35:26  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
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    1. It is extremely important for a project manager to determine and map key stakeholder engagement levels early in the project. Which of the following statements support this claim: 

    A. Stakeholder engagement levels change during the lifecycle of the project 

    B. Stakeholder engagement throughout the lifecycle of the project is critical to project success 

    C. Leading stakeholders assume a supportive role during project execution 

    D. Development of the stakeholder assessment matrix is a mandatory PMPOK requirement 

    1. 项目经理在项目早期确定和映射关键相关方参与级别是极其重要的。下列哪个陈述支持这种说法:

    A. 项目生命周期期间相关方参与水平是变化的

    B. 项目生命周期中的相关方参与对项目成功至关重要

    C. 主要相关方在项目执行过程中承担支持项目的角色

    D. 制定相关方评估矩阵是PMPOK的强制性要求


    2. Which of the following statements is correct: 

    A. Project lifecycles and product lifecycles are interdependent 

    B. Project lifecycles are independent of product lifecycles. 

    C. A product lifecycle is the same as a project lifecycle. 

    D. The last lifecycle for a project is generally the product’s retirement. 

    2. 以下哪一项陈述是正确的?

    A. 项目生命周期和产品生命周期是相互依赖的

    B. 项目生命周期独立于产品生命周期

    C. 产品生命周期与项目生命周期相同

    D. 项目的最后一个生命周期通常是产品的退役。


    3. Three years back, your organization awarded a fixed price contract to a reputable local contractor to construct a new airport terminal in the city. A few days back, you received a change request from the contractor requesting to adjust the contract’s price. The contractor is claiming that as a result of the recent national recession, the prices of raw materials have gone up and he cannot complete the rest of the project at the contract price. Is the contactor’s request legitimate? 

    A. Yes, you cannot penalize the contactor for price escalations due to force majeure. 

    B. Yes, unless there is no Economic Price Adjustment provision in the contract. 

    C. No, the price of the contract is fixed and cannot be changed. 

    D. No, the price hike due to recession must be adjusted against the contractor’s profit. 

    3. 三年前,你们的组织给一个有信誉的当地承包商颁发了一份固定价格合同,在城市里建造一个新的机场航站楼。几天前,你收到了承包商的变更请求,要求调整合同的价格。承包商声称,由于最近的全国经济衰退,原材料的价格上涨了,他不能按合同价格完成工程的其余部分。承包商的请求是否合法?

    A. 合法,由于不可抗力,你无法对承包商进行价格升级处罚。

    B. 合法,如果合同中有经济价格调整条款。

    C. 不合法,合同的价格是固定的,不能更改。

    D. 不合法,经济衰退导致的价格上涨必须根据承包商的利润进行调整。




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