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  • 发布时间:2019-08-30 15:48:02  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
  • 编辑导读:思摩特杭州PMP培训班远程在线模拟试题分享


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    1. Laurence is the PMO manager at ANZ Company. The CEO of the company asked Laurence to review the business requirements and develop the current year’s capital management plan. The capital management plan will outline the key business deliverables (capital projects) and will go to the board for final approval. Which of the following organizational artifacts should Laurence review to analyze the business requirements for the current fiscal year? 

    A. Lessons Learned 

    B. Capital budget for the current year 

    C. Organizational Process Assets 

    D. Organizational Strategy 

    1. 劳伦斯是ANZ公司的PMO经理,该公司的首席执行官要求劳伦斯审查业务需求,并制定本年度的资本管理计划。资本管理计划将概述关键业务可交付成果(资本项目),并将进入董事会最终批准。下列哪些组织工件应该被劳伦斯回顾,以分析当前会计年度的业务需求?

    A. 经验教训

    B. 本年度的资本预算

    C. 组织过程资产

    D. 组织战略



    2. Maintaining good supplier relationships should be important to all project managers. A good buyer-seller relationship is a partnership that results in a win-win situation that nurtures both parties. Which of the following is both a short-term and long-term benefit of treating a supplier with courtesy, honesty, and fairness? 

    A. There is no need to have formal contracts in place 

    B. Delivery of quality products and services at the best price 

    C. The buyer can delay the payments without jeopardizing the relationship 

    D. The supplier can charge a price higher than the market price 

    2. 维护与供应商好的关系对所有的项目经理来说是重要的事,良好的买方-卖方关系是一种惠及双方的双赢的合作伙伴关系。以下哪一项以尊重、诚实和公正地方式对待供应商,既可以是短期也是长期的收益?

    A. 没有必要有正式的合同

    B. 以最佳价格交付优质产品和服务

    C. 买方可以在不损害关系的情况下延迟付款。

    D. 供应商可以收取高于市场价格的价格。


    3. James is managing a shopping mall construction project. During the project execution, he learns the project communications management plan is not effective and requires a major update. Which of the following processes will issue a change request for the required update? 

    A. Plan Communications Management 

    B. Manage Communications 

    C. Perform Integrated Change Control 

    D. Monitor Communications 

    3. 詹姆斯正在管理一个购物中心的建设项目,在项目执行期间,他了解到项目的沟通管理计划是没有效果的,需要进行重大的更新。以下哪一个过程将提交针对此次更新的变更请求?

    A. 规划沟通管理

    B. 管理沟通

    C. 实施整体变更控制

    D. 监督沟通




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