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    • 济南PMP培训中心|模拟练习题1

  • 发布时间:2019-09-20 10:31:07  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
  • 编辑导读:思摩特济南PMP培训中心考试模拟试题分享


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    1. You have a project in which you are responsible for building a condo complex in a resort town. The project is expected to take two years to complete. During your work breakdown structure meeting, you have decomposed many deliverables into work packages and schedule activities. However, there are some work packages that will occur a year from now, so you have elected not to decompose those deliverables and work packages at this time. This is an example of what tool or technique? 

    A. Scope Creep 

    B. Poor Planning 

    C. Rolling Wave Planning 

    D. Time-delayed Decomposition 

    1. 你有一个项目,在这个项目中,你负责在一个度假小镇建造一套公寓。这个项目预计需要两年时间才能完成。在你的工作分解结构会议期间,你已经将许多可交付成果分解为工作包和进度活动。但是,有一些工作包将在一年后发生,所以你已经选择了在这个时候不分解这些交付物和工作包。这是什么工具或技术的例子?

    A. 范围潜变

    B. 计划不周

    C. 滚动式计划

    D. 延时分解


    2. You are the project manager responsible for building a 100,000-square-foot data center. One of the scheduled activities in your plan is to install the Computer Room Air Conditioning (CRAC) units. However, a raised floor must be installed in the data center before installation of the units can begin. This is an example of what type of precedence relationship? 

    A. Finish to Finish 

    B. Start to Finish 

    C. Start to Start 

    D. Finish to Start 

    2. 你是项目经理,负责建造一个10万平方英尺的数据中心。你计划中的一项活动是安装计算机房空调(CRAC)单元。但是,在安装单元开始之前,必须在数据中心安装一个抬高的地板。这是一个什么类型的优先关系的例子?

    A. 完成到完成

    B. 开始到结束

    C. 开始到开始

    D. 完成到开始


    3. You are working as the project manager on a mega-construction project. You need to prepare a quarterly report for the project investors. You need to collect work performance data and convert that into work performance information. Which of the following processes produces work performance data? 

    A. Direct and Manage Project Work 

    B. Control Schedule 

    C. Control Costs 

    D. Manage Communications 

    3. 你是一个大型建设项目的项目经理,你需要为项目投资者准备一份季度报告,需要收集工作绩效数据并将其转换为工作绩效信息。下列哪个过程可以产生工作绩效数据?

    A. 指导和管理项目工作

    B. 控制进度

    C. 控制成本

    D. 管理沟通




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