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  • 发布时间:2019-09-30 12:16:52  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
  • 编辑导读:思摩特廊坊PMP远程培训班模拟试题分享



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    1. Julia is managing a water treatment plant construction project. A new government has recently been sworn in. During the election campaign, the winning candidate made a number of commitments regarding environmental control reforms. Julia is not sure how the new government and its future policies might affect her project. This is an example of: 

    A. Variability risk 

    B. Mitigated risk 

    C. Ambiguity risk 

    D. Opportunity risk 

    1. 朱丽叶正在管理一个水处理工厂建设项目。新政府最近宣誓就职。在竞选期间,获胜的候选人对环境控制改革做出了多项承诺。朱丽亚不确定新政府及其未来政策会对她的计划产生什么影响。这是一项什么示例?

    A. 变异性风险

    B. 减轻的风险

    C. 模糊性风险

    D. 机会性风险


    2. Upon obtaining the project charter, the Project Manager of a project starts acquiring the project team immediately. Is this correct? 

    A. Yes. Acquisition of the project team is primarily an Initiating Process Group activity. 

    B. Yes. The project manager needs to get the team together as soon as the project starts. 

    C. No. It is the responsibility of the project sponsor to provide the team for execution. 

    D. No. Acquisition of the project team is primarily an Executing Process Group activity. 

    2. 项目经理在获得项目章程后,立即开始获取项目团队。这是正确的吗?

    A. 正确。获取项目团队主要是启动过程组的活动

    B. 正确。项目经理需要在项目一开始就获得项目团队

    C. 错误。提供执行项目的团队是项目发起人的责任

    D. 错误。获取团队主要是执行过程组的活动


    3. Julia is currently recruiting her project team. She has carried out various interviews and has shortlisted potential candidates. Now, according to the project communication management plan, she has to submit the shortlisted profiles to the project client (customer) for approval. Only then, can she formally hire the approved candidates for the project. The submission of the profiles to the client will go through which of the following processes? 

    A. Manage Stakeholder Engagement 

    B. Acquire Resources 

    C. Manage Communications 

    D. Plan Resource Management 

    3. 朱丽叶正在招募她的项目团队。她进行了各种面试,并入围了潜在候选人。现在,根据项目沟通管理计划,她必须向项目客户(客户)提交入选文件以供批准。只有到那时,她才能正式聘用被批准的候选人参加这个项目。向客户端提交入围文件要通过以下哪个过程?

    A. 管理相关方参与

    B. 获取资源

    C. 管理沟通

    D. 规划资源管理




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