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    1. You have just returned from the weekly change control board meeting at which you presented the requested changes to the employee move project. You had five change requests approved and one request rejected. These are outputs of what process? 

    A. Control Quality 

    B. Control Scope 

    C. Monitor Risks 

    D. Perform Integrated Change Control 

    1. 你刚刚从每周一次的变更控制委员会会议中返回,你提交了对员工移动项目的请求变更。你有五个变更请求被批准,一个请求被拒绝。这些是什么过程的输出?

    A. 质量控制

    B. 控制范围

    C. 监督风险

    D. 实施整体变更控制



    2. PMBOK offers a number of tools and techniques for all the project management processes. These tools and techniques must be carefully applied in order to meet the objectives of any process. Which of the following is not a tool or technique of the Plan Stakeholder Engagement process? 

    A. Expert judgment 

    B. Meetings 

    C. Decision-making 

    D. Interpersonal skills 

    2. PMBOK为所有项目管理过程提供了众多工具和技术。为了满足任何过程的目标,必须仔细地应用这些工具和技术。以下哪项不是规划相关方参与过程的工具或技术?

    A. 专家判断

    B. 会议

    C. 决策

    D. 人际交往能力



    3. You recently took over a project as the project manage.t. This is your first project management assignment. The project sponsor is very supportive and is helping you out in successfully managing the project. Recently, some bad quality deliverables were received on the project, and the project sponsor suggested that you to periodically review the vendor’s progress to deliver project scope and quality, within cost and on schedule, as compared to the contract. Which of the following statements is true in this context? 

    A. The sponsor has asked you to carry out regular trend analysis. 

    B. The sponsor has asked you something that is not a good project management practice. 

    C. The sponsor has asked you to carry out regular procurement performance reviews. 

    D. The sponsor is giving you a bigger workload so that you can perform better on the next assignment. 

    3. 你作为项目经理最近接手了一个项目。这是你的第一个项目管理任务。项目发起人非常支持并帮助你成功地管理项目。最近,在项目中收到了一些质量不好的交付物,项目发起人建议你定期检查供应商的进度,以便在成本和进度上按照合同交付项目范围和质量。在这种情况下,下列哪个陈述是正确的?

    A. 发起人要求你进行经常性的趋势分析

    B. 发起人已经问了你一些不太好的项目管理实践

    C. 发起人要求你定期进行采购绩效审查

    D. 发起人给你正在给你更大的工作量,这样你就可以在下次任务中表现得更好




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