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    • 新疆PMP培训中心|模拟练习题1

  • 发布时间:2019-09-17 17:44:54  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
  • 编辑导读:思摩特新疆PMP培训中心考试模拟试题分享


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    1. A large construction project for a logistics company will require the expenditure of a large amount of capital. The finance group works with the project manager to set limits to the project when expenses will be incurred in a given project and to determine whether there are ways to smooth out or level the spending to avoid a single large expenditure in one quarter and none in the next. This is an example of: 

    A. Levelized Billing 

    B. Funding Limit Reconciliation 

    C. A financial review 

    D. Rescheduling 

    1. 一个大型的物流公司的建设项目需要花费大量的资金。财务小组与项目经理合作为项目设置限制,以避免在一个季度内出现单一的大额支出,而在另一个季度则没有。这是以下哪种例子:

    A. 平衡账单

    B. 资金限制平衡

    C. 财务审查

    D. 重新规划进度


    2. The cost estimates for a project are in the range of +1~5 %. What phase is the project likely to be in? 

    A. Closing phase 

    B. Preliminary phase 

    C. Initial phase 

    D. Intermediate phase 

    2. 一个项目的成本估算在+1~5%的范围内。项目可能在哪个阶段?

    A. 收尾阶段

    B. 初步阶段

    C. 启动阶段

    D. 中间阶段


    3. The Quality Policy is the intended direction of a performing organization with regard to quality. However, as a project manager in a performing organization, you find the organization lacks a formal quality policy. What should you do in such a case? 

    A. The project management team does not need to develop a quality policy since the performing organization does not have one. 

    B. The project management team needs to obtain the quality policy from the customer. 

    C. A quality policy is nice to have but is not required for every project. 

    D. The project management team will need to develop a quality policy for the project. 

    3. 质量方针是执行组织对质量的预期方向。但是,作为一个执行组织中的项目经理,你发现组织缺乏一个正式的质量方针。在这种情况下你应该怎么做?

    A. 项目管理团队不需要制定质量方针,因为执行组织没有

    B. 项目管理团队需要从客户那里获得质量方针

    C. 质量方针很好,但不是每个项目都需要

    D. 项目管理团队需要为项目制定质量方针




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