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    • 新疆pmp远程培训班|模拟练习题

  • 发布时间:2019-09-30 08:42:58  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
  • 编辑导读:思摩特新疆PMP远程培训班模拟试题分享



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    1. In a Finish-to-Start relationship between predecessor and successor activities, a project manager decides to schedule a successor activity five days before its predecessor is complete. This is accomplished by providing five days of: 

    A. Lag 

    B. Load 

    C. Fast-tracking 

    D. Lead 

    1. 在紧前-紧后活动的FS关系中,项目经理决定规划一个后继活动在其紧前活动结束前5天执行,这可以借助提供5天的( )来实现。

    A. 滞后量

    B. 负载

    C. 快速跟进

    D. 提前量


    2. In regards to WBS, which of the following is the correct way to decompose the project scope? 

    A. Total scope -> planning package -> control account -> work package 

    B. Total scope -> control account -> work package -> planning package 

    C. Total scope -> control account -> planning package -> work package 

    D. Total scope -> Work package -> control account ->planning package 

    2. 关于WBS,以下哪一种是分解项目范围的正确方式?

    A. 总范围规划包控制账户工作包

    B. 总范围控制账户工作包规划包

    C. 总范围控制账户规划包工作包

    D. 总范围工作包控制账户规划包


    3. You are building a mile-long bridge on T&M contract. During the excavation activity, you learned some telephone cables are crossing the alignment where you have to construct the bridge. You need to relocate these telephone cables, but there is no provision of such an activity in the contract. Further, the relocation of the cables is a costly task, and you need to do a lot of government paperwork, as well. You requested an amendment in the contract, but the buyer rejected it. Despite many efforts, you both could not resolve this issue. What should you do next? 

    A. Terminate the contract following the termination procedures mentioned in the contract. 

    B. File a judicial petition in accordance with the state’s law. 

    C. Seek arbitration following the ADR procedures in the contract. 

    D. Relocate the cables at your own expense since the contract does not cover this activity. 

    3. 你在依据一份工料合同建造一座长一英里的桥梁。在挖掘活动中,你了解到一些电话电缆穿行于你所建造桥梁的线路下。你需要重新安置这些电话电缆,但是合同中没有规定这样的活动。此外,电缆的搬迁是一项昂贵的任务,你还需要做大量的政府文书工作。你请求修改合同,但买方拒绝了。尽管付出了很多努力,你们双方还是无法解决这个问题。下一步该怎么办?

    A. 按照合同中提到的终止程序终止合同。

    B. 根据国家法律提交司法申诉书。

    C. 根据合同中的ADR程序寻求仲裁。

    D. 由于合同不包括这项活动,请自行更换电缆。




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