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    • 珠海ACP培训官方授权报名机构模拟题

  • 发布时间:2021-03-01 15:55:54  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
  • 编辑导读:本文为大家介绍的是珠海ACP培训官方授权报名机构模拟题,下面是关于珠海ACP授权培训机构的具体内容,供大家参考,更多珠海ACP考试相关资讯可关注思摩ACP敏捷认证


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    1.If the promotion and management is more effective, which of the following should be provided in a project review meeting?

    1. A. Increase team empowerment and enjoyment
    2. B. Identify the most important issues for the sponsor
    3. C. Provide an open forum for team complaints
    4. D. Prepare for a later release plan


    1. A、增加团队的授权和享受
    2. B、为发起人识别最重要的问题
    3. C、提供一个团队投诉的、开放的论坛
    4. D、为后面的版本发布计划做好准备


    2.At a sprint review meeting, customers were extremely impressed with the product and asked to release it immediately to the market. Agile team I'm worried because I haven't solved the problem of product maintenance use cases. The product owner informs the customer of the team's concerns. What should the team do next?

    1. A. Release the product, but inform users that product maintenance can only be provided in a future version
    2. B. Implement more agile process steps to achieve maintenance functions
    3. C. Adjust the priority of the product to-do, and implement the maintenance function and user story before the product release
    4. D. Schedule a stakeholder scrum meeting to discuss the minimum saleable units that must be completed before the launch

    在一次 Sprint 审查会议上,客户对产品印象极其深刻,要求立即发布该产品,推向市场。敏捷团队担心,因为还未解决产品维护用例问题。产品负责人将团队的担心告知客户。团队下一步应该怎么做?

    1. A、发布该产品,但通知用户产品维护只能等到未来版本才能提供
    2. B、执行更为敏捷的过程步骤来实现维护功能
    3. C、重新调整产品待办事项的优先级,在产品发布之前实现维护功能和用户故事
    4. D、安排一次干系人 Scrum 会议,来讨论产品发布之前必须完成的最小可售单元


    3.Agile team is engaged in the task of creating a new product. The team has created a new product, but it is difficult to complete the iteration due to a unique requirement. What should the team do?

    1. A. Extend the current iteration as long as possible until it can be delivered
    2. B. Ask an expert to join the team temporarily
    3. C. Copy the function of another product and transform it before
    4. D. Split the story into several iterations until the function is completed


    1. A、尽可能延长当前迭代,直到可以交付
    2. B、请求一名专家临时加入团队
    3. C、复制另一个产品的功能,并在之前改造
    4. D、将故事拆分成几次迭代,直至完成该功能




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