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    • 淄博PMP培训中心|模拟练习题1

  • 发布时间:2019-09-20 09:21:59  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
  • 编辑导读:思摩特淄博PMP培训中心考试模拟试题分享


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    1. There are two activities on you.t schedule: 1) Install server in lab, and 2) Move server into the data center. However, the second task cannot start until the server has run in the lab for five days without failure. This is an example of what? 

    A. Fast Track 

    B. Lead 

    C. Crashing 

    D. Lag 

    1. 你有两个活动。1)在实验室安装服务器,2)将服务器移动到数据中心。但是,直到服务器在实验室中运行了五天没有失败,第二个任务不能启动。这是什么例子?

    A. 快速跟进

    B. 提前量

    C. 赶工

    D. 滞后量


    2. Business value is also defined as the aggregate of all tangible and intangible elements of the business. Which of the following is NOT an example of a tangible business element? 

    A. Monetary assets 

    B. Goodwill 

    C. Fixtures 

    D. Stockholder equity 

    2. 商业价值也被定义为企业所有有形和无形要素的集合。以下哪一项不是有形商业价值元素的例子?

    A. 货币资产

    B. 商誉

    C. 固定财产

    D. 股东权益


    3. You are in charge of constructing the Ferns wheel in each town a carnival visits. However, this is something you have never done before, and you are getting different opinions from others on how long it takes. Joe is new and has given you what you believe to be an optimistic estimate of three hours; Bill says it will take 10 hours, which seems too long to you and quite pessimistic. Last, Margie, who is the most experienced at this task, is telling you it will take eight hours. You are not sure whom to believe, so you decide to do three-point estimation (based on beta distribution). Based on this, how many hours will it take you to assemble the Ferris wheel? 

    A. 7.5 hours 

    B. 8 hours 

    C. 21 hours 

    D. 7 hours 

    3. 你要负责建造摩天轮。然而,这是你以前从未做过的事情,关于该项目需要花多长时间完成你从别人那里得到了不同的意见。乔没什么经验,他给了你一个你认为是乐观估算的三个小时的时间;比尔说要花10个小时,这对你来说太长了,而且相当悲观。最后,玛吉是这个任务中最有经验的人,她告诉你这需要8个小时。你不确定该相信谁,所以你决定做三点估算(基于beta分布)。基于此,你要花多少时间完成摩天轮的建造?

    A. 7.5小时

    B. 8小时

    C. 21小时

    D. 7小时




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