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    • 保定ACP敏捷资格证书培训模拟题

  • 发布时间:2021-02-20 14:23:26  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
  • 编辑导读:本文为大家介绍的是保定ACP敏捷资格证书培训模拟题,下面是关于保定ACP敏捷培训班的具体内容,供大家参考;更多保定ACP培训相关资讯可关注思摩项目管理


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    1.The project vision statement is created with the team's agreement. Which of the following should be included in the statement?

    1. A. Clear and measurable success criteria
    2. B. Project team structure
    3. C. Project schedule
    4. D. Project objectives from a team perspective


    1. A、明确且可衡量的成功标准
    2. B、项目团队结构
    3. C、项目进度计划
    4. D、从团队角度看的项目目标


    2.Scrum executives recognize that a team member is becoming an expert on a specific aspect of the project. In addition to their own committed tasks, the team members also began to help other team members. This raised concerns among other team members. What should scrum executives do?

    1. A. Let the team organize itself
    2. B. Strengthen the assigned tasks in the station meeting
    3. C. Assign more stories to the team members
    4. D. Meet with the team members to discuss the current situation

    Scrum 主管意识到一名团队成员正成为项目某个具体方面的专家。除了其自己承诺的任务外,该团队成员还开始帮助其他团队成员。这引起了其他团队成员的担忧。Scrum 主管应该怎么做?

    1. A、让团队自组织
    2. B、在站会上加强已分配的任务
    3. C、为该团队成员分配更多故事
    4. D、与该团队成员会面,就当前这种情况进行讨论


    3.An agile project has 11 team members working in a centralized office. They work at a stable speed. In the middle of iteration 9, some team members left and were replaced by five members scattered in different geographical locations. How agile project managers respond to new project teams Looking forward to it?

    1. A. The team will be formed and will perform at the same speed level as the previous project team
    2. B. Before the team performs its work at a steady speed, the team will go through the shock phase and normalize in more frequent communication
    3. C. The team will handle and resolve any team conflicts that occur
    4. D. Team members will focus on their own deliverable and speed

    一个敏捷项目拥有 11 名集中办公的团队成员,他们按一个稳定的速度执行工作。在第 9 次迭代中途,有些团队成员离职,并由 5 名分散在不同地理位置的成员替代。敏捷项目管理师应对新项目团队有何


    1. A、团队将组建,并将以前项目团队相同的速度水平执行工作
    2. B、在团队以稳定的速度执行工作之前,团队将经历震荡阶段,并在更为频繁的沟通中规范化
    3. C、团队将处理和解决所发生的任何团队冲突
    4. D、团队成员将关注他们自己的可交付成果和速度



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