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    • 杭州pmp远程培训班|模拟练习题

  • 发布时间:2019-09-30 09:10:51  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
  • 编辑导读:思摩特杭州PMP远程培训班模拟试题分享



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    1. As part of a new project you just started on as project manager, you are assembling your team and discovering that one of the critical pieces of work requires a specialist from one of the functional departments. However, you are aware the functional manager may be reluctant to assign that resource to your project since your project is not a high-profile one. Which of the following techniques will you need to apply? 

    A. Acquisition 

    B. Coercion 

    C. Politics 

    D. Negotiation 

    1. 作为一个新项目的一部分,你刚刚开始作为项目经理,你正在组建你的团队,你发现关键的工作之一需要一个职能部门的专家。但是,你知道职能经理可能不愿意将资源分配给你的项目,因为你的项目不是被优先考虑项目。你需要应用以下哪项技术?

    A. 获取

    B. 强迫

    C. 政治

    D. 谈判


    2. A control chart is used to determine whether a process is stable or has predictable performance. When a process is within acceptable limits, the process does not need adjustment. How are these upper and lower control limits determined? 

    A. Statistical calculations 

    B. Variance analysis 

    C. Pareto chart 

    D. ROM estimate 

    2. 控制图用于确定过程是否稳定或具有可预测的表现。当一个过程在可接受的限度内时,该过程不需要调整。如何确定这些上限和下限的控制范围?

    A. 统计计算

    B. 偏差分析

    C. 帕累托图

    D. ROM估计


    3. You are building a dam for a state government. Your organization is considered a specialist in dam design and overall management of construction activities. However, your organization lacks resources to execute the earth-works involved. You have subcontracted all the project’s earth- works to a local subcontractor. The quality of the subcontractor’s work is acceptable, but the subcontractor is not conforming to your organization’s health and safety standards. You escalated this to the subcontractor’s project manager, but he turned down your request. The subcontractor’s project manager is of the view that the request is out of the contract’s scope and none of the contract provisions require him to conform to your organization’s standards. You are agitated since you believe health and safety standards are globally accepted, and the contract does not have to explicitly state them. Further, according to the state law, you cannot terminate the contract since the subcontractor has not violated the law. How do you deal with this situation?

    A. Go for judicial arbitration as stated in the contact’s ADR provisions. 

    B. Terminate the contract immediately since you will not compromise health and safety standards 

    C. Withhold the subcontractor’s payments to force compliance 

    D. Negotiate a contact amendment with the subcontractor requiring compliance to the standards 

    3. 你正在为州政府修建大坝。你的组织被认为是大坝设计和建筑活动全面管理的专家。然而,你的组织缺乏执行土方工程的资源。你已将所有项目的土方工程分包给当地分包商。分包商的工作质量是可以接受的,但分包商不符合贵单位的健康和安全标准。你把这个问题上报给分包商的项目经理,但他拒绝了你的要求。分包商的项目经理认为你的请求超出了合同的范围,没有一项合同条款要求他符合你所在组织的标准。你感到焦虑,因为你相信健康和安全标准被全球接受,而合同不必明确地陈述它们。此外,根据国家法律,你不能终止合同,因为分包商没有违反法律。你应该如何处理这种情况?

    A. 按照ADR条款中所述进行司法仲裁。

    B. 立即终止合同,因为你不会危及健康和安全标准。

    C. 扣留分包商对强制遵守的付款

    D. 与分包商协商修改合同以遵守标准




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