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    • 合肥ACP敏捷管理考试培训模拟题

  • 发布时间:2021-02-18 13:53:19  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
  • 编辑导读:本文为大家介绍的是合肥ACP敏捷管理考试培训模拟题,下面是关于合肥ACP敏捷管理培训班的具体内容,供大家参考;更多合肥ACP培训相关资讯可关注思摩项目管理


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    1.The agile team has completed the sprint planning meeting and is currently on the sixth day of a two-week sprint meeting. The team should What do you focus on?

    1. A. Only to complete their respective tasks
    2. B. Discuss escalation with Scrum master
    3. C. Plan detailed structure and design scheme
    4. D. As sprint progresses, volunteer to complete the task

    敏捷团队已经开完 Sprint 计划会议,目前正处于一个为期两周的 Sprint 会议的第六天。团队应该集中精力做什么?

    1. A、仅完成他们各自的任务
    2. B、与 Scrum 大师讨论上报问题
    3. C、规划详细的结构和设计方案
    4. D、随着 Sprint 的进展,自愿完成任务


    2.In a fast-growing project, the team is busy catching up with changes in requirements, which leads to a rising defect rate. Scrum master should What does the coaching team do?

    1. A. Consult project manager and project sponsor for solutions
    2. B. Discuss this at scrum
    3. C. Define the process as the basic rule of the team
    4. D. Work with product owner to design a solution

    在一个快速发展的项目上,团队正忙着追赶需求上的变更,这导致缺陷率不断上升。Scrum 大师应指导团队做什么?

    1. A、咨询项目经理和项目发起人,获得解决方案
    2. B、在 Scrum 会议上讨论这个问题
    3. C、将该过程定义为团队的基本规则
    4. D、与产品负责人一起设计一个解决方案


    3.The CEO is not familiar with agile technology and is worried that the team will use agile as an excuse to avoid recording key requirements, communicating progress and making cost and schedule plans. How should the team assure the CEO that its approach is effective?

    1. A. Provide monthly progress report
    2. B. Provide training on agile primitives to CEOs and provide agile metrics
    3. C. Create a Gantt chart and submit it to the CEO
    4. D. The CEO is advised to talk to the product manager for updates on progress and current status


    1. A、提供每月进度报告
    2. B、向首席执行官提供敏捷原始相关培训,并提供敏捷测量指标
    3. C、创建甘特图,并将其提交给首席执行官
    4. D、建议首席执行官与产品经理谈话,获得有关进度和当前状态的更新



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