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    • 呼和浩特ACP敏捷管理认证课程培训练习题

  • 发布时间:2021-02-08 09:21:03  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
  • 编辑导读:本文为大家介绍的是呼和浩特ACP敏捷管理认证课程培训练习题,下面是关于呼和浩特ACP资格证书培训的具体内容,供大家参考,更多呼和浩特ACP考试相关资讯可关注思摩项目管理


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    1.Team leaders note that team members have been less productive due to low morale in the past few stages. How to improve morale?

    1. A. Meet with team members and listen to their concerns
    2. B. Increase the number of user stories in the next iteration
    3. C. Hold a team building activity
    4. D. Reorganize the team to align with the company's objectives


    1. A、与团队成员开会,听取他们关注的问题
    2. B、在下一次迭代中增加用户故事的数量
    3. C、举行一次团队建设活动
    4. D、重组团队,使其与公司目标保持一致


    2.The project team's initial estimate of the released version is 300 story points, and the average estimated speed of an iteration is 30 story points. After several iterations, the actual calculation speed is only 15 story points, doubling the expected completion time of the project. What should the project team do?

    1. A. Ask product owner to increase team resources
    2. B. Communicate speed and new release time with product owner
    3. C. Re estimate by changing the unit of measurement from the story point to the ideal number of days and inform the product owner
    4. D. Re estimate and inform the product owner that the project is more complex than originally expected

    项目团队对发布版本的初始估算是 300 个故事点,一次迭代的平均估计速度是 30 个故事点。经过几次迭代后,计算的实际速度只有 15 个故事点,让项目的预计完成时间翻倍。项目团队应该怎么做?

    1. A、要求产品负责人增加团队资源
    2. B、与产品负责人沟通速度以及新的发布时问
    3. C、通过将测量单位从故事点更改为理想的天数重新估算,并通知产品负责人
    4. D、重新估算,并通知产品负责人项目比原先预期得更为复杂


    3.At a team meeting, members who belong to the subject matter experts (SMEs) mentioned that they are constantly working for repetitive tasks, resulting in reduced motivation. What should agile project managers do?

    1. A. Organize a team building activity to improve team morale
    2. B. Let team members work in pairs, learn from each other and develop new skills
    3. C. Value stream analysis for team members to perform their activities
    4. D. Add more resources to the team to help complete the task


    1. A、组织一次团队建设活动,提高团队士气
    2. B、让团队成员结对工作,互相学习,并培养新的技能
    3. C、让团队成员执行其活动的价值流分析
    4. D、为团队添加更多资源,帮助完成任务



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