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    • 青岛PMP培训机构|模拟练习题2

  • 发布时间:2019-08-30 17:32:03  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
  • 编辑导读:思摩特青岛PMP培训班远程在线模拟试题分享


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    1. A good project manager knows the value of effective stakeholder management. What is the ultimate goal of effective stakeholder management? 

    A. Stakeholder engagement 

    B. Project success 

    C. Stakeholder satisfaction 

    D. Meeting project objectives 

    1. 优秀的项目经理知道有效的相关方管理的价值,有效的相关方管理的最终目的是什么?

    A. 相关方参与

    B. 项目成功

    C. 相关方满意

    D. 满足项目目标


    2. While analyzing a project, the project manager calculated the ratio of the Earned Value (EV) to the Actual Costs (AC) and obtained a value of 1.2. The project manager decided this was an unfavorable condition for the project and decided to take corrective action. What is your view? 

    A. The project manager is correct. The ratio of EV to AC is the Cost Performance Index and a ratio greater than 1 is unfavorable to the project.

    B. The project manager is not correct. The ratio of EV to AC is the Cost Variance and a ratio greater than is favorable to the project. 

    C. The project manager is not correct. The ratio of EV to AC is the Cost Performance Index and a ratio greater than 1 is favorable to the project 

    D. The project manager is correct. The ratio of EV to AC is the Cost Variance and a ratio greater than is unfavorable to the project. 

    2. 分析项目时,计算出挣值EV与实际成本AC的比值是1.2,项目经理判定这是一个不利的状况,决定采取纠正措施。你的怎么看这件事?

    A. 项目经理是正确的,EV与AC的比值是成本绩效指数,比值大于1对项目不利。

    B. 项目经理是错误的,EV与AC的比值是是成本偏差,比值越大对项目越有利

    C. 项目经理是错误的,EV与AC的比值是成本绩效指数,比值大于1对项目有利

    D. 项目经理是正确的,EV与AC的比值是成本偏差,比值越大对项目越不利


    3. Which of these is not an established Estimate Activity Durations technique? 

    A. Three Point Estimating 

    B. Parametric Estimating 

    C. Analogous Estimating 

    D. Critical Path Estimation 

    3. 哪一个不是估算活动持续时间的技术( )?

    A. 三点估算

    B. 参数估算

    C. 类比估算

    D. 关键路径估算





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