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    • 海口ACP培训官方授权报名机构模拟题

  • 发布时间:2021-02-08 09:53:46  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
  • 编辑导读:本文为大家介绍的是海口ACP培训官方授权报名机构模拟题,下面是关于海口ACP授权培训机构的具体内容,供大家参考,更多海口ACP考试相关资讯可关注思摩项目管理


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    1.Agile team members think that the value of daily station will not increase because the team size is too large. At the review meeting, they proposed that the existing Break down your project team into smaller groups. What should scrum executives do?

    1. A. Reduce the size of the team, so that the station will be easier to manage
    2. B. Seek instructions from the project sponsor before taking action
    3. C. Inform the team of the value of standing meeting
    4. D. Allow the team to make restructuring decisions

    敏捷团队成员认为每日站会并不会增加价值,是因为小组规模太大。在回顾会上,他们提出将现有的项目团队分解成更小的小组。Scrum 主管应该怎么做?

    1. A、缩小团队规模,使站会更易于管理
    2. B、在采取行动之前寻求项目发起人的指示
    3. C、告知团队站会的价值
    4. D、允许团队做出重组的决定


    2.Project stakeholders have set goals for a new agile project and project team. Which of the following should ensure that the goals of the team and project stakeholders are consistent?

    1. A. Communicate with stakeholders and team goals and expectations on a regular basis
    2. B. Incentive funds provided by stakeholders to achieve goals
    3. C. Communicate the goals set by the product owner
    4. D. The team reviews the objectives in the retrospective


    1. A、定期沟通干系人和团队目标及期望
    2. B、干系人提供的完成目标激励资金
    3. C、沟通由产品负责人制定的目标
    4. D、团队在回顾会中评审目标


    3.An agile management professional noticed that the company's information transmitter uses red, green and yellow traffic lights to communicate project progress. How should agile management professionals communicate project status?

    1. A. What do you mean by these colors
    2. B. The fixed number system is used to replace the color display system
    3. C. In the information transmitting source, each color is given a meaningful description
    4. D. Create new sources of information with clear metrics


    1. A、咨询项目发起人这些颜色代表什么意思
    2. B、使用固定数字系统代替该颜色显示系统
    3. C、在信息发射源中,为每个颜色赋予一个有意义的描述
    4. D、使用明确的量度指标创建新的信息发射源



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