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    • 呼和浩特PMP考试认证培训|在线模拟题

  • 发布时间:2019-09-27 11:12:20  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
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    1. When is Rolling Wave Planning useful in a project? 

    A. You should use Rolling Wave Planning to help you achieve the appropriate level of detail in each work package at the right time. 

    B. You should use Rolling Wave Planning to determine the correct sequencing for long-term items. 

    C. You should use Rolling Wave Planning to help you organize team members’ activities within a large project group. 

    D. You should use Rolling Wave Planning to help you determine which activities are more important and to do them first 

    1. 在项目中滚动式规划什么时候有用?

    A. 你应该使用滚动式规划来帮助你在适当的时机实现每个工作包合适的细节级别。

    B. 你应该使用滚动式规划来确定长期事项的正确排序。

    C. 你应该使用滚动式规划来帮助你在大型项目组中组织团队成员的活动。

    D. 你应该使用滚动式规划来帮助你确定哪些活动更重要,并且首先去实施这些活动。


    2. Project risks should be identified by: 

    A. Those invited to the risk identification process only 

    B. Key project stakeholders only 

    C. The project manager only 

    D. All project personnel 

    2. 项目风险应该被(  )识别。

    A. 仅是那些被邀请进风险识别过程的人

    B. 仅是关键项目相关方

    C. 仅是项目经理

    D. 所有项目人员


    3. Kevin is assigned to a software development project that will start in the near future and is currently tailoring the PMBOK processes to satisfy the project’s specific needs. Kevin wants to introduce a new process, “Identify Key Deliverables”, to the existing six project scope management processes. Although he understands that project deliverables identification is already in the PMBOK scope management processes, he believes that having a dedicated process will stress the importance of determining and agreeing to key project deliverables. The best position for the new “Identify Key Deliverables” process should be between which of the following two processes? 

    A. Define Scope and Create WBS 

    B. Create WBS and Validate Scope 

    C. Plan Scope Management and Collect Requirements 

    D. Collect Requirements and Define Scope 

    3. 凯文被指派到一个要在近期开始的软件开发项目,他正在根据项目的具体需要裁剪PMBOK过程。凯文想引入一个新过程,“识别关键可交付成果”到现存的6个范围管理过程中。尽管他理解项目可交付成果的识别已经包含在PMBOK范围管理过程中了,但是他相信引入这一个专门的过程能够强调确定和同意关键可交付成果的重要性。这个新引入的“识别关键可交付成果”过程,应该放在以下哪两个过程之间。

    A. 定义范围和创建WBS

    B. 创建WBS和确认范围

    C. 规划范围管理和收集需求

    D. 收集需求和定义范围




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