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    • 南宁PMP培训中心|模拟练习题1

  • 发布时间:2019-09-18 14:13:15  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
  • 编辑导读:思摩特南宁PMP培训中心考试模拟试题分享


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    1. As the project manager of a project, you had estimated certain activity durations before acquiring all project team members. On acquisition, you find that their actual competency levels are much lower than what you anticipated. In such a case, you will: 

    A. Make no changes to the schedule 

    B. Ask the project team members to meet the original schedule by putting in overtime, if required 

    C. Make changes to activity duration and schedule incorporating the changed competency levels 

    D. Inform the customer that the project is behind schedule 

    1. 作为项目经理,在获得所有项目团队成员之前,你已经估算了一定的活动持续时间。在获取资源后,你发现他们的实际能力水平远低于你的预期。在这种情况下,你会:

    A. 对进度计划不做任何修改

    B. 要求项目团队成员在必要的情况下加班,以达到原进度

    C. 更改活动持续时间和进度计划,并将变更后的能力水平纳入其中

    D. 通知客户项目进度落后


    2. A storm has damaged the manufacturing facility that is under construction as part of your project. You have just discovered that although the project risk management plan mandated that the facility have insurance against damage and loss, this policy was never acquired, and the project budget must cover the losses. Who is at fault? 

    A. The risk manager 

    B. The project manager 

    C. The facilities manager 

    D. The construction crew 

    2. 一场风暴损坏了正在建设中的制造设施,这是你项目的一部分。你刚刚发现,尽管项目风险管理计划要求该设施购买保险以应对破环和损失,但是该策略并没有被实施,必须使用项目成本来应付这一损失。这是谁的错?

    A. 风险经理

    B. 项目经理

    C. 设施经理

    D. 施工员


    3. As a project manager, you are concerned with both prevention and inspection of errors in a work product. The difference between prevention and inspection is: 

    A. Inspection is work the Quality Control (QC) team does; the Quality Assurance (QA) team does Prevention 

    B. Inspection refers to keeping errors out of the process; prevention refers to keeping errors out of the customer’s hands. 

    C. Prevention refers to keeping errors out of the process; inspection refers to keeping errors out of the customer’s hands. 

    D. Inspection and prevention refer to the same activity depending on what stage of the project the activity is done. 

    3. 作为项目经理,你关心的是工作产品中错误的预防和检查。预防和检查的区别是:

    A. 检查是质量控制(QC)团队的工作;质量保证(QA)团队进行预防

    B. 检查是指将错误排除在过程之外;预防是指错误不要流到客户手中

    C. 预防是指将错误排除在过程之外;检查是指错误不要流到客户手中

    D. 检查和预防是指根据项目的不同阶段进行的相同活动




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