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  • 发布时间:2019-09-30 09:43:59  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
  • 编辑导读:思摩特潍坊PMP远程培训班模拟试题分享



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    1. Which of the following is an example of rolling wave planning in a project following an adaptive life cycle? 

    A. Iterative scheduling with a just-in-time log 

    B. Predictive scheduling with no backlog 

    C. Inflexible scheduling without leads and lags 

    D. Iterative scheduling with a backlog 

    1. 以下哪一项是一个遵守适应型生命周期项目进行滚动式规划的例子?

    A. 带有准时制日志的迭代进度计划

    B. 带有未完项的预测进度计划

    C. 没有提前量和滞后量的无灵活性的进度计划

    D. 带有未完项的迭代进度计划


    2. The banks in the Ukraine have raised the annual interest rates sharply to 30 percent. You have the option to invest your money either in Ukrainian banks or to build a small factory for a client. The total cost of building the factory will be $12 million but it will spread evenly over one year ($1 million payable by the end of each month for the next 12 months). The client will make a payment of $3.9 million at the end of each quarter from the start of the project. Which of the following is the best option (if you are only considering the return on investment)? 

    A. Build the factory for the client 

    B. Invest the money in the bank for a year 

    C. Both options offer the same payoff 

    D. Information given is insufficient to determine the best option 

    2. 乌克兰的银行将年利率大幅提高到30%。你可以选择在乌克兰的银行投资,或者为客户建造一个小工厂。建造工厂的总成本将是1200万美元,但它将在一年内平均分配(在未来12个月中每个月底支付100万美元)。在项目开始的每个季度末,客户将支付390万美元。以下哪一个是最好的选择(如果你只考虑投资回报)?

    A. 为客户建造工厂

    B. 将钱投资给银行一年

    C. 两种选择都提供相同的回报

    D. 信息不足无法做出最好的选择


    3. Once the project charter is authorized, it is the project manager’s duty to distribute the charter to all key stakeholders and ensure common understanding of the key deliverables, milestones, and their roles and responsibilities. During which of the following processes is the project charter distributed to the project stakeholders? 

    A. Direct and Manage Project Work 

    B. Manage Stakeholder Engagement 

    C. Develop Project Charter 

    D. Manage Communications 

    3. 一旦项目章程被授权,项目经理的职责是将章程分发给所有关键相关方,并确保对关键交付物、里程碑以及它们的角色和责任的共同理解。在以下哪个过程将项目章程分发给项目相关方?

    A. 指导与管理项目工作

    B. 管理相关方参与

    C. 制定项目章程

    D. 管理沟通




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