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    • 厦门ACP培训官方授权报名机构模拟题

  • 发布时间:2021-02-11 09:30:07  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
  • 编辑导读:本文为大家介绍的是厦门ACP培训官方授权报名机构模拟题,下面是关于厦门ACP授权培训机构的具体内容,供大家参考,更多厦门ACP考试相关资讯可关注思摩项目管理


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    1. During an iteration, the product owner realized that the current sprint work would produce unnecessary functions. The product owner informs the agile project manager and asks how to proceed. What suggestions should agile project managers make?

    1. A. Extend the iteration process, so that the team can accommodate new requirements without gaps, without wasting time to re plan
    2. B. Shorten the iteration and there is no need for a retrospective because no functionality has been delivered yet
    3. C. Keep that iteration in case you need them in the future
    4. D. There is no need to waste team resources to develop functions that are not needed to abort the iteration process

    在一次迭代过程中,产品负责人意识到当前 Sprint 工作会生产不必要的功能。产品负责人通知敏捷项目经理并询问如何继续。敏捷项目经理应提出什么建议?

    1. A、延长该迭代过程,让团队能够无空隙地融人新的需求,而不必浪费时间重新规划
    2. B、缩短该迭代,没有必要进行回顾,因为还未交付任何功能
    3. C、保持该迭代以防将来会需要这些功能
    4. D、中止该迭代过程,没有必要浪费团队资源开发不需要的功能


    2.An agile project is in the planning stage. What kind of ideal planning level should the team reach before starting the first iterative development?

    1. A. The level required to complete the overall project design
    2. B. Level of negotiation between team and product owner
    3. C. Only the level required to complete the first iteration
    4. D. The level required to complete the current and next iteration


    1. A、完成整体项目设计所需的水平
    2. B、团队和产品负责人协商的水平
    3. C、仅完成第一次迭代所需的水平
    4. D、完成当前及下一次迭代所需的水平


    3.It is difficult for an agile project team to agree on the next steps in an iteration. What should the team do to reach an agreement?

    1. A. Let the customer make a decision
    2. B. Let the project manager make a decision
    3. C. Let the product manager adopt a consensus driven approach to help the team reach agreement
    4. D. Use a collaborative approach to reach agreement


    1. A、让客户做出决定
    2. B、让项目经理做出决定
    3. C、让产品经理采用一致意见驱动的方法来帮助团队达成一致
    4. D、采用协作的方法达成一致



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